Cosmic Knowledge

Etymology and Meaning:

“Cosmic” comes from the Greek “kosmikos,” meaning “of the universe,” and “knowledge” from Old English “cnawan,” meaning “to know.” Cosmic knowledge refers to the understanding of the universe, its laws, and its connection to human existence.

Who Coined It:

The concept has ancient roots, with significant contributions from various cultures and civilizations that studied the cosmos.

Usage and Influences:

  • Old Authors:
  • Pythagoras: Explored the relationship between numbers and the cosmos.
  • Hermes Trismegistus: Wrote on the interconnectedness of the universe in the “Hermetic Corpus.”
  • Johannes Kepler: Developed laws of planetary motion, linking the cosmos to mathematical principles.
  • Modern Influencers:
  • Carl Sagan: Popularized the study of the cosmos with his work on astronomy and science communication.
  • Neil deGrasse Tyson: Astrophysicist known for making complex cosmic concepts accessible to the public.
  • Brian Cox: Physicist and television presenter who explores the universe’s wonders.

Current Usage:

Cosmic knowledge is explored in both scientific and spiritual contexts, seeking to understand the universe’s origins, structure, and our place within it. It includes astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, and metaphysical studies.


Some misuse cosmic concepts for pseudoscientific claims or to sell unproven products and services.


Cosmic knowledge involves understanding the universe and its connection to human existence, explored through both ancient and modern perspectives.

Influential Figures:

  • Pythagoras: Studied the relationship between numbers and the cosmos.
  • Hermes Trismegistus: Wrote on the interconnectedness of the universe.
  • Johannes Kepler: Developed laws of planetary motion.

Modern Context:

  • Carl Sagan: Popularized astronomy.
  • Neil deGrasse Tyson: Makes cosmic concepts accessible.
  • Brian Cox: Explores the universe’s wonders.

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