Sacred Geometry

Etymology and Meaning:

“Sacred” comes from Latin “sacer,” meaning “holy,” and “geometry” from Greek “geometria,” meaning “earth measurement.” Sacred geometry refers to the symbolic and sacred meanings attributed to certain geometric shapes and proportions, believed to underlie the creation of the universe.

Who Coined It:

The concept has ancient roots, with contributions from various cultures, notably in Greek, Egyptian, and Indian civilizations.

Usage and Influences:

  • Old Authors:
  • Plato: Discussed the geometric structure of the cosmos in “Timaeus.”
  • Vitruvius: Explored the use of sacred proportions in architecture.
  • Leonardo da Vinci: Illustrated the Vitruvian Man, exemplifying the relationship between human anatomy and geometry.
  • Modern Influencers:
  • Nassim Haramein: Explores the connections between sacred geometry, physics, and consciousness.
  • Drunvalo Melchizedek: Author of “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life,” focusing on sacred geometric patterns.
  • Robert Edward Grant: Integrates sacred geometry with modern science and technology.

Current Usage:

Sacred geometry is used in spiritual practices, architecture, and art to symbolize and connect with universal patterns and principles. It includes the study of shapes like the Flower of Life, Metatron’s Cube, and the Golden Ratio.


Some misuse sacred geometry for commercial purposes, offering superficial or exaggerated claims about its powers without genuine understanding.


Sacred geometry explores the symbolic meanings of geometric shapes, believed to underlie the universe’s creation, rooted in ancient and modern traditions.

Influential Figures:

  • Plato: Discussed cosmic geometry in “Timaeus.”
  • Vitruvius: Explored sacred proportions in architecture.
  • Leonardo da Vinci: Illustrated the Vitruvian Man.

Modern Context:

  • Nassim Haramein: Connects sacred geometry with physics.
  • Drunvalo Melchizedek: Focuses on geometric patterns.
  • Robert Edward Grant: Integrates geometry with science.

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