In alchemy, the four elements – Fire, Air, Water, and Earth – possess different properties and are considered the foundation of alchemical understanding. Fire and Air are regarded as the matrix of Energy, while Water and Earth are seen as the matrix of Matter.
Being a symbol of transformation and activity, is associated with the release and generation of energy. It represents the element of heat and combustion, which is often linked to energy production. Fire is known to convert matter into different forms, releasing energy in the process. For example, when a fuel source is ignited, such as wood or fossil fuels, the Fire element facilitates the chemical reactions that release energy in the form of heat, light, and other forms of energy. This transformation of matter into energy demonstrates the role of Fire in the generation of energy.
Plays a crucial role in providing the necessary conditions for energy transfer and circulation. It represents movement, expansion, and the medium through which energy can be transmitted. Air is associated with the concept of breath and the exchange of gases, which are vital for various energy-related processes. For instance, in combustion reactions facilitated by Fire, the presence of Air (specifically oxygen) is necessary for the chemical reactions to occur and sustain the release of energy. Moreover, Air acts as a carrier of energy, enabling its transfer from one place to another. In natural phenomena such as wind or air currents, the movement of Air allows for the transfer of kinetic energy.
Associated with the concepts of fluidity, adaptability, and transformation in alchemy. It is often attributed to the element of water found in nature. Water represents the potential for change and the ability to take on different forms. In the context of Matter, water signifies the fluid nature of substances and their ability to transition from one state to another, such as from solid to liquid or gas.
Represents stability, solidity, and manifestation. It corresponds to the physical matter and the material world. Earth is often related to the element of earth found in nature. In terms of Matter, earth signifies the solid state of substances and their tangible form. It is the foundation upon which Matter takes shape and exists.
Matrix of Energy (Fire/Air)
Fire and Air have a complementary relationship. Fire serves as the catalyst for the transformation of matter into energy, while Air provides the conditions and medium for energy transfer and circulation. The combination of Fire’s transformative properties with Air’s ability to facilitate energy flow ultimately contributes to the alchemical understanding of Energy.
Matrix of Matter (Water/Earth)
Water and Earth exemplify the duality and interplay between the fluid and solid aspects of material existence. This combination represents the fundamental components required for the creation and transformation of Matter in alchemical processes.
Aether (5th Element)

Aether the 5th element they don’t want you to know about.
Aether makes an appearance on all alchemy manuscripts and periodic tables up until the 19th century.
Nikola Tesla referred to Aether as the superconducting layer of matter.
So why do we exclude Aether from the modern science?
Is Aether the so called “Hellfire or Secret Fire”, as it was removed because it lacks material form? Alchemically, Salt is derived from the union of Elemental Earth and Elemental Water (or Assiah and Yetzirah), the Secret Fire is ‘hidden’ in the Salt (material body) and represents the unconscious, instinctual forces that seek release. It is sometimes called “Hellfire” in that if uncontrolled, or poorly released, it can reek havoc on the body and psyche of the student, via its purifying effects. This is illustrated by the 31st Path, or Path of Fire, sometimes mistaken for “Purgatory” or “Hell” by the un-regenerated who pass through this Path after death. This Path is also under the direction of Mercury and Shin, the symbols of spiritual guidance and evolution.