For decades, we’ve been bombarded with warnings about the impending doom caused by climate change—formerly referred to as global warming. Prominent figures from the scientific, political, and corporate worlds have made dire predictions about how the earth will become unlivable if we don’t make drastic changes. Simultaneously, the promises of space travel and migration to other planets due to the uninhabitability of Earth have been dangled in front of the public like a futuristic carrot.

But are these claims and promises genuine? Or is this all part of a larger agenda to keep the masses living in fear, while the ruling elite manipulates and controls the narrative? Let’s break it down from a conspiracy realist perspective, analyze the promises made over the years, and debunk their validity.
Prominent Climate Change Warnings: A Chronological Breakdown
1. 1970s Global Cooling Scare
- In the 1970s, there were widespread warnings of global cooling. Media outlets, including Time Magazine, ran cover stories predicting a new ice age that would devastate the planet.
- Debunked: Today, this narrative has been flipped to global warming, showing how climate rhetoric changes with time to fit the prevailing narrative.
2. Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” (2006)
- Former Vice President Al Gore made numerous claims about rising sea levels, melting ice caps, and global disasters by 2013. His predictions were based on models that suggested much of the world’s coastal cities would be underwater by now.
- Debunked: Sea levels haven’t risen as dramatically as predicted. In fact, many of the catastrophic events predicted in Gore’s documentary simply haven’t come to pass.
3. UN IPCC Reports (2007–Present)
- The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has repeatedly issued reports warning of catastrophic consequences unless immediate action is taken. These reports emphasize global warming, shifting their rhetoric to “climate change” to encompass various weather patterns.
- Debunked: Critics argue that IPCC reports rely heavily on computer models that don’t fully account for the natural variability of the Earth’s climate. Moreover, many of the more extreme predictions have not materialized.
4. Barack Obama’s Warning About Miami and Manhattan Sinking (2015)
- During his presidency, Barack Obama warned that cities like Miami and Manhattan would be underwater due to rising sea levels within decades.
- Debunked: These cities, despite facing challenges related to rising water levels, are still very much above water and continue to grow in population and infrastructure.
5. Greta Thunberg’s “We Have 12 Years Left” (2018)
- Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg made headlines by declaring that the world had just 12 years to act on climate change before irreversible damage would be done.
- Debunked: Similar doomsday predictions have been made countless times in the past. While it’s true that the climate is changing, the notion of a strict deadline ignores the complexities of environmental science and the fact that human civilization has adapted to changing climates for millennia.
The Promises of Space Travel: Is It Real or Another Hoax?
Simultaneous to these climate warnings, we’ve been promised an escape route—space migration. Figures like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and others have been promoting space travel as the future of humanity, a Plan B for when Earth becomes uninhabitable.
A. NASA’s Moon Landing (1969)
- The Apollo missions put men on the moon, but despite these advancements, NASA later claimed that they “lost” the technology to go back. How do you lose technology of such significance?
- Debunked: Critics argue that this story doesn’t add up, especially when NASA continues to provide heavily edited visuals of space. Some conspiracy theorists believe we never went to the moon, and that the original footage was fabricated with special effects—a claim supported by multiple alleged inconsistencies in the moon landing footage.
B. Elon Musk and SpaceX (Present)
- Musk has repeatedly promised that within a few decades, humans will be able to colonize Mars and travel regularly between Earth and other planets.
- Debunked: While impressive strides have been made in space technology, the timeline for space migration appears more and more like a far-off fantasy, designed to keep the public hopeful for a future that may never come.
C. International Space Station (ISS)
- We’ve been shown stunning imagery from the ISS for years, but critics have pointed out strange anomalies in footage, such as astronauts’ movements and inconsistencies with shadows and lighting, leading to suspicions that some of the images may be filmed in studios or with green screens.
- Debunked: There have been numerous instances where NASA was caught presenting doctored images and footage, raising questions about the authenticity of what we’re being shown.
The Dinosaur Conundrum: Where Are the New Discoveries?
Another element of this mass deception, according to conspiracy theorists, involves the dinosaur narrative. Despite the world constantly expanding, with new cities, roads, and infrastructure being built, the discovery of new dinosaur bones seems curiously absent.
The Lack of New Fossils
- Why aren’t we finding new dinosaur bones in areas where new construction is taking place, given that many areas around the world have yet to be fully explored?
- Debunked: Some argue that dinosaurs, as we’ve been taught, might be a fabricated part of history to keep us in awe of the Earth’s age and evolution, making us believe in the randomness of existence, rather than questioning our divine origins.
Climate Change Fear and Control: The Real Agenda
The consistent promotion of fear around climate change is not about saving the planet but about maintaining control. By convincing the public that nature itself is against them, the ruling elite can manipulate us into accepting new policies, taxes, and restrictions on freedom. Just look at carbon taxes, the push for electric vehicles, and the shutdown of traditional energy sources—all presented as necessary to “save the planet.”
The Ultimate Goal: Keep Humanity Fearful and Distracted
The bigger picture here is control. The ruling elite, through the media, government agencies, and global organizations like the United Nations, want to keep humanity in a constant state of fear—fear of climate change, fear of war, fear of pandemics. This keeps us distracted, focused on survival, and blind to the true nature of existence and the manipulation at play.
By creating elaborate fairy tales about space travel, climate change, and the impending doom of humanity, they reinforce the narrative that life on Earth is random, fragile, and ultimately out of our control. The idea is to make us feel powerless and dependent on their solutions—whether it’s a space escape route or a carbon tax.
Conclusion: Rise Above the Fear Machine
At Unmatrix, we encourage you to question everything. The narrative of climate change, space travel, and dinosaurs serves the purpose of keeping humanity locked in fear and ignorance. We must rise above this control and understand the deeper spiritual nature of our existence. Nature is not our enemy. We are not the random product of cosmic accidents. The more we open our eyes, the more we see that the system is built to distract, control, and subdue the masses.
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