General Human Healthy Frequency is within the range of 62-72 Hz and when it drops to lower levels it enables the appearance of variety of diseases. For example at the level of 58 Hz, diseases like cold and flu were more likely to appear. On much lower levels (42 Hz) Cancer appeared in many humans. PH Balanced Body at 7.35-7.45 Acid Base Balance: This is the level of acids and bases in your blood at which your body functions best.
Did You Know?
Oxygen Enriched Body Normal arterial oxygen is approximately 75 to 100 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). Values under 60 mm Hg usually indicate the need for supplemental oxygen. Normal pulse oximeter readings usually range from 95 to 100 percent. Values under 90 percent are considered low.

Your blood oxygen level is a measure of how much oxygen your red blood cells are carrying. Your body closely regulates your blood oxygen level. Maintaining the precise balance of oxygen-saturated blood is vital to your health.